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Music Across The Border Festival Vol. 28

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Ein Sprung über die Grenze

Ein Projekt zur Begegnung und zum besseren Kennenlernen fremder Kulturen.



Veranstaltungen am  28. September 2025
SS 20 (D) + Fanzui Xiangfa (China) 17:00 Uhr


SS20 plays pissed, fast & dark hardcore-punk touched by metal and influenced by d-beat. They came together in late 2007 for their first rehearsal as SS20. SS20 hit the road for the first few shows in spring and early summer 2009. From this point, things grew quickly. After releasing their first Demo-CD, which contains material from an 8-track-live-recording, SS20 set up their first German/East-European tour together with the folks from IN DEFENCE (USA) in September 2009. In February 2010 SS20 returned to the studio to record with Robin Voelkert (REC’O’ROB) as producer new songs for a split Vinyl 7" with the Chinese dudes FANZUI XIANGFA, released in April 2010 and a Vinyl 10" with the Chinese Streetpunx DEMERIT, released in May 2011. Following the recording they were on the roads again! SS20 played shows and festivals in Europe, toured in South-Korea and twice in China. SS20-members played before or still play in IDIOT SAVANT, TINY GHOSTS, THE 4 SIVITS, HUNTSVILLE STAIRSWEPPERS, MEMNOCH and ELOQUENT SS20 are: Rico - Drums / Vocals Maik - Guitar Marven - Guitar Madelaine - Bass Rohnny - Vocals
Fanzui Xiangfa is a hardcore-punk band from Beijing, China. Formed in 2006, they came together with a common desire to do something in a scene where “do nothing” has become an ever present mantra. The members, all deeply involved in China’s music scene, are sick of the apathy and despair so present around them and instead believe in empowering people to take control of their own lives and to actively create the world they dream of. Fanzui Xiangfa relentlessly embodies the DIY ethic in an atmosphere of creative fun and a roar of hardcore-punk. FX are: Kuang Ma – Drums / Vocals Ni Fan – Guitar / Vocals Mao Bing – Bass / Vocals Chong Zhuang – Guitar Liu Liu – Vocals

Aug 2014 Zurück zum aktuellen Monat Oct 2014
Datum Veranstaltungen im September 2014 Info
28.09.2014 SS 20 (D) + Fanzui Xiangfa (China) 17:00 Uhr

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